The Hybrid Training Company

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Mindfulness In Nutrition Series, #5: Awareness

You may notice a bit of a theme over the course of the last couple months of me asking you to focus on how you feel. It might seem strange to you that one of the core tenets of a coaches teachings would be about bringing awareness to your daily practice but I assure you, all else will be of very little worth to you if you don’t learn to apply yourself here.

We try diets all the time. We try different types of exercise strategies to lose weight and get fit but we inevitably fall back into the habits that support the very thing that we’re trying so hard to change in the first place.

If it were that easy to get into shape you would only ever have to skim through the pages of ONE fitness magazine to get all the info you’re ever going to need. I mean, the world of health and fitness has been telling us for a few decades now that we can get ripped and shredded for the price of a magazine subscription. And yet as content soars and access to gyms and better food quality have made it supposedly easier to achieve these goals, the health of our society continues to decline and YOU NEVER GOT YOUR SIX PACK!!! So ask yourself, if the food you eat, the gym you go to or the people you follow on instagram for inspiration don’t make a long lasting and sustainable difference in your life, then what’s it all for?

Time and time again these things prove to be nothing but distractions and never end up servicing us in the way that we intended because they don’t actually teach us anything! Nothing about how to implement this strategy long term, nothing about the sheer enjoyment of food and exercise for their own sake. The reason this information is so pervasive is that it is of little value to anybody. They need you to come back, every month, for the latest and greatest form of the same shit they’ve been peddling for years.

A real coach works his way out of your life by teaching you how to be self sufficient.

I’m not just here to teach you what to eat. You can go anywhere for that formula. But as it turns out this process is much more involved than that. Getting ripped will never validate you as a person and anchoring yourself on change will never fulfill you. Trust me, I’ve seen it my entire career and what’s more, I’ve experienced it myself.

But treating yourself with love and respect, creating a healthy atmosphere in which to live and being grateful for where you are right now will last you a lifetime. With the added benefit of getting into the best shape of your life and maintaining it for good.

So with that in mind, here is your next point of focus:


Your home should be an incredibly supportive environment. It should support whatever goal you’re trying to accomplish by having the right foods to fuel you and the right atmosphere to keep you chill and happy. Get rid of anything in the house that doesn’t support YOU! Start with your kitchen and toss everything that will hold you back from achieving your goals.


For the little things. For the air we breath, the heart that beats in your chest, or the ability to learn through difficulty and failure. Anchor yourself in gratitude and surrender yourself to the experience. The ability to move and eat well is a gift. Enjoy them!

There are no “wrong” feelings, only wrong actions -Alan Watts

Until next time,

-Coach Kev