The Hybrid Training Company

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What'll It Be?

I’m a heartless son of a bitch sometimes.

I’d like to think that it’s a universal quality and that everyone feels just as impatient as I do, but of course that’s just me rationalizing my behaviour. And truth be told I don’t care.

I run into all all walks of life as a coach. I’m constantly meeting new people, assessing their movement quality, spending time with them one and one and shortly after never seeing them again. I’m baffled by the sheer amount of people wandering around the world looking for the cure to what ails them as if there is some secret sauce. I see them wander into a Crossfit gym hoping that some of the magic of those dedicated enough to become fucking badass will rub off on them. But the craziest shit is that these people are clueless enough to assume anything less than changing their entire outlook on training, nutrition, sleep, meditation and pain will get them to where they want to be.


Exercise is not something you should choose to do or not. Like eating well and surrounding yourself with a generally positive atmosphere, it is a requirement if you want to meet the baseline standard of a half decent life. All the mindless garbage advice out there telling the average person that they can be happy and healthy through very little effort is just enabling them to continue on the path that made them lazy, fat and frustrated in the first place.

This isn’t some grand conspiracy. No one is hiding the truth from you. Athletic pursuit is hard.

I see first hand the amazing feats of those how have dedicated their lives to something greater than them and are willing to sacrifice an ungodly amount just to play the game. With no guarantee of excellent health nor of total and complete happiness or even that they’re going to be any good. Because the truth is, nobody knows. The only difference is what they do.

Effort is a choice and nothing worth having comes easy.

It’s time to take some responsibility for yourself. If the life you’re leading has taken you down a path of anxiety and frustration then that shit needs to stop right now. However great the weight of your past experience might be, embrace it all.

All the sadness

All the failure

All the embarrassment

All the hardship

All the anxiety

All the bad decisions and time spent doing something that made you feel like shit. Take responsibility for yourself, past and future, and move forward. Make the effort. Commit. Stop with the fucking excuses that nobody wants to hear and will never get you anywhere.

The magic already exists inside you. You just have to choose.

So what’ll it be?