The Hybrid Training Company

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What Are You So Afraid Of?

It’s easy to give yourself a reason to not do something.

Whether it’s because you’re tired or you lack the motivation. You’ve had a bad day or you don’t have the education or even the simple skills that are required at baseline to complete the task. There are almost too many to count. So you pick from the GIANT list of reasons to take the easy way out. You collapse on to the couch with a sigh of relief, phone in hand with Youtube and Instagram at the ready and you steer yourself away from the confrontation you were having deep inside your bones to a place filled with distraction and “ease”.

But while you could’ve picked from the endless other reasons to lay down and numb yourself from your reality, the goal YOU SAID you wanted to accomplish sits idle and the ONE REASON you had to draw your sword from it’s sheathe and inch forward toward the proving grounds sits idle along side it, waiting for a time when you are inspired once more.

It’s as if we see stress or fear of any kind as inherently negative properties with nothing else to offer us but bad moods and weight gain. Things that are to be avoided at all costs in an effort to stay “happy” and “healthy”. What a perfect rationalization for your short comings, no?!

Let me burst that bubble for you!

Fear is a teacher. It’s a guiding light out of the dark cave that you find yourself in toward a world in which your status quo is what you once thought impossible. A force of epic proportions that you MUST accept if you are to move forward on the hero’s journey that is your life. Where failure and obstacle, trial, pain and triumph exist for you to experience in all their glory so that one day you might emerge to feel the sun on your face, sporting the knowing smile and full heart of the few who had the stones to try.

And when failure inevitably rocks you to your core and sends you to your knees, let the calluses on your hands and the scars on your face remind you of the courage you once had to forge ahead and face the unknown with faith in your heart and a smile on your face. “HOKAHEY!” Today is a good day to die!

What are you so afraid of?