The Hybrid Training Company

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Love Is All

Analyze every decision you make until you’re blue.

Craft a reason to NOT do something in the face of adversity.

Reject people first so that you’re never the one who gets rejected.


Tell the world you’re happy while you fall apart internally.

Keep living a life you never wanted in the first place.

Never stand up for yourself.


Say there is no meaning because you’re to scared to find any.

Laugh at other’s misfortune.

Signal to everyone else how great you are when all you do is judge.

Make excuses when you fall short of the mark.

Resent those who have accomplished great things just because you haven’t.

Consume all the noise because someone told you it was important.

Define yourself by the ideology of the day.


Lose yourself in a game you never intended to play in the first place.

Ignore your responsibilities.

Blame others for your misfortune.

Take yourself way too seriously.

Feed all the distractions with your precious attention.


Let go.

All else is dust and air.

LOVE!… is all.