The Hybrid Training Company

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On Fear

We all know what it’s like to fear the unknown.

To fear social situations, job interviews, tests, races and trust. It’s painful to put yourself out there for all to see, for all to scrutinize. Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is an opportunity for people to criticize us with a fine tooth comb, spot the things in our behaviour that we’re embarrassed or ashamed of and circulate them out for all to see.

So we hide.

It’s not an uncommon behaviour and honestly, it might even be a healthy reaction in some cases. I imagine if we didn’t have that instinct we wouldn’t have lasted this long as a species. But I can also say with confidence that while these adaptations were developing in us for the sake of our survival that we could never have foreseen a world of connectivity the likes of what we have today. A world that maximizes our vulnerability, criticizes us for the smallest transgression and gives us very little room to breathe, so that we might find out who we are without all the distractions corrupting our vision.

So we guard ourselves from the rest of the world, telling half truths and making nice. Acting in a way that is antithetical to what we feel inside so often that it becomes hard to differentiate between the two. And in so doing we create the habits that will keep us passive and weak, devoid of substance, and useful to anyone seeking power over us. We fall prey to those who want our hard earned money, to those who want to tell us how to think and feel and ultimately to a life where courage and resilience are qualities that we deride. All so that we can mask our vulnerability and stay hidden.

To stand in the face of fear is an act of courage.

If fear of the unknown is a natural instinct than even the attempt at becoming better is a huge leap of faith, and one that you should celebrate. To change your habits, make better choices and do what you must rather than what you want are steps that few will ever take because fear of failure is such a potent force pulling us down that most of us never change. Ever.

It’s not whether or not you have the right shoes or if you feel like you don’t have enough time. You are afraid. And that’s okay. But if you truly want what you say you do than step forward in the face of fear and don’t back down. You are worthy of change and you are filled to the brim with potential.

Keep faith in your heart, courage on your shoulders, and realize it, for all to see.