The Hybrid Training Company

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The Foundational Series #4: Push It

There is no substitute for hard work.

Despite the overwhelming and often confusing amount of information on training and nutrition the VAST MAJORITY of people will NEVER (and I mean NEVER EVER EVER!) do what they need to do to succeed.


Because for some stupid fucking reason we STILL conflate the motivation to do something with actually doing it. We waste our time “preparing” ourselves to succeed by watching videos on exercise execution and “A FULL DAY OF EATING” nonsense because we think that if we mimic what the best do then we’ll get what the best have.

But there’s something the best have that you can’t see. It’s a state of mind that rages under the surface, cultivated over years of showing up, everyday, and putting in the goddamn work. A feeling that the sacrifice and suffering that they’ve endured time and time again was worth it. That the early mornings they slogged through just to make it to the gym and spend some time in the pain cave before the rest of the world has had a cup of coffee, was worth it. That the injuries they’ve had to struggle back from or the incremental progress they’ve made over months of hard work, halted by illness or stress or both. was worth it. That the pride they feel from staying the course every time they wanted to quit when they find themselves FINALLY succeeding at something they’ve been working toward for years, was worth it. That the ups and downs from the brutal process of bettering themselves with a barbell in an effort to make the most out of this life, is, was, and always will be, worth it.

And because they know it’s worth it, when the time comes, they push.

Foundational principle #4

Push It

There is no substitute for hard work. No short cut to the finish line. No easy way out. If you truly want what you say you do, whenever you get that bar in your hands remember why you’re there and give it hell.

Until next time,

-Coach Kev