The Hybrid Training Company

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Who are you? What do you stand for? What’s standing in your way for living your dreams?

These aren’t easy questions to answer and in some sense the target is ever in motion requiring consistent reflection and diligence on your part to keep you on a straight path. But they are necessary questions if you want to find yourself standing in the shoes of the person you wish to become.

But how do you know if your answers reflect who you really are and not a lie you’ve constructed from what you’ve been told?

Well, what is your primary orientation?

Do you dwell on the past or constantly worry about the future? Are you stuck in a hamster wheel of sameness day after day because your worldview has narrowed to a point? Or do you live here and now with a firm grip on the present moment with a heart full of gratitude for the life that you’ve been given?

These are your options team and it’s up to you to choose which path to take.

On the one hand you’re at the mercy of “want” and “worry” and on the other you’re at the mercy of nothing and nobody as time no longer dictates your perspective and instead you live in the eternal “now”. One perspective is deeply selfish leaving you feeling isolated and empty and the other thrusts you into a state of love, connection, sacrifice and meaning. Welding this power the answers to our initial questions become simple and obvious for we are no longer constrained by noise from without but can instead hear the answers from within.

Who am I and what qualities make it so? In other words, “what is my value to others?”.

What do I stand for? Or, “what/who am I ready and willing to sacrifice my life for? Both in the way I live my life and as a defender of what I value most?

What is standing in the way of me living my dreams? Answer the first questions properly and this one becomes obvious; YOU. You are the master of your own fate but if you allow others to dictate the direction of your life for fear of walking the path that is most genuine to you, you will fail, for it was never your path to walk in the first place.

Is your orientation outside of time, or within it?