The Hybrid Training Company

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Who's Driving The Car?

We’re all oriented toward specific goals.

Whether our current focus happens to be love and relationships, spirituality, fitness or income, we all seem to land somewhere on the spectrum of each. It seems to be the nature of the human condition to have to jungle each of these aspects of our lives with the hope that eventually everything will fall into its rightful place and we will finally be granted the peace of mind we’ve always desired.

But with each of these goals comes damands and self imposed limitations. It stands to reason that if we’re aiming up toward something we desire then the level of effort we have to put in has to supersede what we’ve put forth previously. Now with that in mind and your intentions strong, with your life organized to move forward into that which you’ve always longed for, you’re ready to move beyond your dreams and into a reality where you have become your dreams.

This is how we manifest our wants into reality and as far as I’m concerned it’s one of the most important aspects of a human being’s life.

But there’s anther way of looking at it.

We’re all oriented toward specific goals and in an effort to achieve them we adapt our life to meet its demands. We wake up on time, dress the part, change our behaviour in social settings and sacrifice other important parts of ourselves on its behalf. Now with our view on the horizon and our intentions firmly aligned with our wants, our body simply acts as a vessel to accomplish the task.

And with it, something inevitably gets lost. Pieces of us are removed and replaced with those that fit our new reality. Parts of our routine become so ingrained that we mistake them for being parts of us, breaking the bond between the intangible and ethereal aspects of human life and with it, limiting our perspective to only that which we can see and touch.

Both scenarios on their face seem indistinguishable from one another. And yet I can’t help but think that one leads to a deeper sense of love, gratitude and appreciation for the life you’ve been given while the other leads your heart into the arms of apathy and nihilism, killing the very part of you that set out to make an adventure of your life in the first place.

So ask yourself; who’s driving the car?