Mindfulness In Nutrition Series, #6: Food Prep

We all know what to eat right?! Quality protein, fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds, little starch and no refined fats or sugars. But just try getting your hands on quality nutrients outside of your home and you’ll quickly find yourself with little to no options.

The truth is that we as a society subsist off of mostly cheap food products that have left us nutritionally bankrupt!

The longer the shelf life and easier to package up and ship off to consumers at the low low price of our health has made us into a shell of what we are capable of becoming. And frankly we do it out of laziness and convenience.

Now that’s not to say that we’re doomed, on the contrary. It just means that we are efficiency seeking creatures trying to expend as little energy as possible to survive. So then if a product is wrapped up nicely for us than why go to all the effort of preparing it ourselves? RIGHT??

Unfortunately the best food typically parishes fast and you can’t outtrain a bad diet! And since most of us don’t have access to high quality meal prep companies, it’s on us to learn how to do it ourselves.

Fortunately this simple habit is much easier and far more enjoyable than you once may have thought, and is the next step toward changing your relationship with food and your body.

Meal prep is first and foremost about simplicity. Nothing overly difficult or time consuming. Just about learning a few key strategies and principles that you can apply across an endless amount of combinations, and lucky for you we have them right here.

Establish a Meal Prep Ritual

Whether it’s one day a week (my favourite) or a certain time of the day, take the time to plan ahead. This will both significantly lower any stress associated with food during the week and will dramatically increase the likelihood of successful weight loss.

Keep it SIMPLE!

Make big pot meals. Cut up and roast some veggies and potatoes to have with your meals for days to come. Keep the ingredient list small and the experience stress free!

Take a look at the infographic below to learn all about implementing these strategies.

Until next time,

-Coach Kev
