Do The Work

What do you want? Forget about why for a second and let’s get down to brass tax. More muscles, less fat, more energy, more sex, more sleep, more money, more happiness right!? It’s like I’m reading your mind.

Now that we know what we want, let’s ask the internet how to get it.

Want to be over powered with information? Just Google “how to lose weight” and you’ll immediately be inundated with a plethora of ideas that will leave you more confused about how to get the job done then when you started.

“Keto is the best for fat mobilization!”

“Plant based because micro nutrients are key!”

Atkins, South Beach, Vegan, Weight Watchers, Raw… and on and on down Lewis Carroll’s proverbial rabbit hole. But what’s funny is that as far as losing weight is concerned, they all work. Every single one when used correctly is a proven weight loss strategy that will work for just about anyone. And when used in conjunction with some solid resistance training these strategies can be helpful in packing on some muscle too! Want a nice body? Pick one and go to town.

Or hey!, if reading up on the latest weight loss trend isn’t your jam then go to YouTube and watch one of the zillion videos entitled “A Full Day of Eating”. Watch athletes and so called “experts” from all walks of life with ripped bods and energy that only youth and pre-workout can provide tell you about how they got/get/stay ripped and “HOW YOU CAN TOO", before they try to sell you on the aforementioned pre-workout sups of course. These are by in large the most popular videos on these channels all because people are STILL looking for the secret sauce that never has and never will exist. Holy fucking shit people! Is this real life?

Fitness tech is BOOMING, cool! There’s more information out there than ever before, great! There are more people eating organic foods now than in the past 60 years, awesome! There are more people than EVER that subscribe to some sort of exercise routine on a regular basis, HALLELUJAH! And if you want to burn some cals all you need to do is sign up for any of the infinite workout apps and get moving, free off charge.

Oh, and right along side these upward trends are diabetes, heart disease, stroke, dementia, cancer and obesity. WTF people. You want to know why you’re still looking at videos?? Because obtaining the body you want is hard and watching videos is easy.

Why don’t we just call it like it is? Every time you come across the information you need it always seems to be accompanied by somebody telling you that “It’s easy!” or “Just follow along on the journey”/”we’re a team”/”be part of the community”. Fuck that noise. This is YOU vs. YOU and the fat lazy YOU is winning hand over donut. As if this isn’t going to take EVERYTHING YOU HAVE to change your entire life to match that of the person you wish to become. TRUTH ALERT! They’re lying to you. They’re selling you a comfortable idea. A delicious tasting ego snack that goes down just as smooth as that beer you’re drinking while you tell yourself it’s no big deal. Sure have another. And while you’re at it watch another video. Allow yourself to get bogged down in the endless series of garbage content out there while your body is screaming at you to GET UP AND DO SOMETHING!

If it were easy then it wouldn’t be worth while. It’s hard. Brutally so at times. So much so that even the top athletes and professional coaches in the world fail at reaching their health and fitness goals on a regular basis. THIS SHIT IS NOT FOR THE TIMID! IT’S HARD FUCKING WORK! And you should know that going in.

So know that we’re on the same page, let’s embrace the facts about eating and training and all the wonderful outcomes that they have to offer; training is hard and eating all the things necessary to have a happy and healthy life is even harder, and they always will be. Accept this as a constant in your life and don’t back down. Step up to the challenge or move aside because there are people who want to make shit happen and if you still have one foot out the door because you’re too scared to fail, you’re getting in the way.

You know exactly what you need to do. It’s in your DNA. Put down your phone, stop making excuses and accept that this training thing might just be the hardest thing you’ll ever do…

And then do the work.

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