The Healthy Day Series #5: Ensuring Deep Sleep Happens During The Day

You gotta start your day off with a cup of coffee, right?!

I mean what kind of person doesn’t absolutely love the aroma of a freshly brewed pot of joe first thing in the morning as they prepare to take on the day? It’s the perfect start, the foundation of my routine. the most delicious thing I consume all day and I’m not entirely sure that it doesn’t have magic in it!




But over the years, whether it was because of all night study sessions in the university library before having to work a 10 hour shift at Starbucks or training so hard that my brain couldn’t cope with the stressors of everyday life without it, I’ve had a lot of experience with relying on caffeine.

Anyone with kids or a puppy or a demanding career knows exactly what I’m talking about. You wake up in the morning and have a cup or two and because you don’t eat anything until late morning, your blood sugar has taken such a dramatic dive that any energy you had from that initial caffeine bump is completely gone. So in an effort to stoke your fire for those last few hours of work you head off to the coffee shop to artificially jack up your nervous system a little more just so you can survive.

The problem is that caffeine is a powerful stimulant that when taken in excess can disrupt the physical, mental and behavioural changes that make up our circadian rhythm. And without respect for our natural internal processes we quickly find ourselves in a state of dependance on both stimulants like caffeine, and depressants like alcohol or THC to bring us back down. ALL of which have been shown to disrupt our ability to achieve REM sleep which is the most important part of the recovery process, regardless of the type of stress you’re recovering from. And of course having had a poor night sleep the night before you wake up craving that next cup of coffee, rinse and repeat.

So what the hell do we do about it?

Well it turns out that there are some pretty powerful ways that you can ensure a strong and steady steam of energy throughout the day without compromising the quality of your sleep. So whether you’re an athlete, a nine to fiver or a stay at home mom, you’re chances of success here all rely on controlling these variables.

Limit Caffeine Consumption to Before 12pm

Wether you’re a super fast caffeine metabolizer or just don’t think it affects you, chances are it does. Some people advise limiting caffeine to as late as 4pm but in my experience that’s a little too late. Set yourself up for better sleep quality by limiting coffee to the morning.

Create a Mealtime Routine

It sounds all too simple but the vast majority of people have a huge discrepancy in the amounts and kinds of food they’re eating daily. Manage your energy levels by not waiting until it’s too late. Make some overnight oats the night before so that you can eat first thing. Prep your lunches in advance so you don’t have to turn to poor quality foods that will only exacerbate your energy problems.

Create a Sleep Routine

The brain is incredible at recognizing patterns. Use this to your advantage and ensure quality sleep by putting away all electronics and performing a 10:00 breathing and stretching routine. For the same reason you feel sleepy after a massage, soft tissue mobilization, along with breath manipulation will create a relaxed state that will make falling asleep a seamless transition. Then, before falling asleep make sure the room is completely dark and sufficiently cold, 17-20° C, as this will enhance the quality of your sleep substantially.

Check out this video by The Ready State to learn more.

Until next time,

-Coach Kev