The Foundational Series #2: Get Your Mind Right

I think it’s a fair assumption that if you’re reading this then you’re probably someone who’s looking to carve a rock hard body, lift some heavy shit and become an overall badass human being!

Well if that’s the case then it’s pretty obvious that motivation isn’t your problem. Working out is probably something you look forward to. It’s not hard to get out of bed first thing in the morning and drag your barely conscience self into the gym because you know that you’re gonna feel so good when your coffee kicks in and you start getting after it. Hell, you were probably so pumped about the workout that you even looked at it ahead of time to plan your attack! Trust me, I’ve been there. And although that approach is fun for a while it turns out that this state of mind can be fragile and that if you really want what you say you do, you first have to get your mind right.

Now let’s get something straight. Everyone needs something to motivate them on a daily basis and I’m no different. But the truth is that motivation wanes and for that reason it’s like a candle you desperately try to keep lit when there’s no wick left. And although months and even years can go by where it’s enough to push you forward, there will inevitably be a time when the simple things that once drove you are no longer an adequate reason to get out of bed. A time when you will be confronted with the superficiality in your approach and one that will cause you to either look deeper, or never come back.

Foundational Principle #2

Know Your Purpose

Passion is one thing but it’s bound to your emotions. Purpose on the other hand is the deeper meaning behind your actions and one that will last despite how you might feel. Just as companies have mission statements, when it comes to training, you need to have one too. Take some time to understand what’s beneath the surface and bring it to the fore. Whatever it is, memorize it to keep you centred and on track for years to come.

If you need an example, here’s mine. “My body is a gift from God and I will care for this gift everyday, until the day I die.”

And if you are looking for some motivation check out this video titled How Do You Beat Rich Froning? and watch until the end. Savage!

Until next time,

-Coach Kev