The Foundational Series #3: Embrace Change

Let me ask you a question: Do you think you need to change?

A relatively simple question on it’s face but the answer can be a profound representation of how you think, and depending on how you answered, why you might want to revamp the way you think going forward.

Here’s why.

In the midst of trying to achieve your highest ideals and become the person you’ve always wanted to be, it’s tempting to apply the “self help” narrative here that says routine and structure are the most important variables in your success. That doubling down on your strengths, making a plan and executing everyday is the key to manifesting your dreams into a reality. And in a way, you’d be absolutely right. Hell, I’ve said it a million times to my athletes over the years that if they were to just SHOW UP everyday they would be lightyears ahead of the competition.

So why does it seem like very few people achieve what they set out to accomplish?

Well, the simple answer is that when you first set your sights on anything of real value, no matter how hard you try you have absolutely no idea how to get there! Sure your confidence is going to skyrocket when you learn about a new subject or you make quantum leaps in the gym from beginners strength gains. But if you’re brave enough to stay the course for a little while longer, the truth of manifesting your ideals into a reality is about to smack you upside the head; in all likelihood you don’t have the skills, time, patience, genetics, drive, passion, money, selfishness or ego to make this thing happen.

It’s a truth that invariably rocks you to your foundation and gives you pause. A lesson that, however positive the outcome, hurts all the same; you’re not special.

And this is where that self help narrative runs into problems. It assumes that you know what you want from the beginning. It treats the goal as a mark to take down rather than a moving target on the way to a more complete understanding of who you are. It treats the goal as a work in progress rather than you as work in progress. And it’s fatal flaw is that it doesn’t leave room for the myriad of complexities that will inevitably cause you to change directions toward the right goal.

Foundational Principle #3

Embrace change

Change is going to come in many forms from strength and confidence to sickness and setbacks. You are a work in progress! Stop resisting the changing tide and instead let it guide you to where you need to go.

Or resist. And lose.

Your call.

Until next time,

-Coach Kev