S2, Week 2: Aug 12-18 2024

 Monday Aug 12

72% - The goal today is to go slightly heavier than last week on the Deadlift and Bench Press, about 5-10lbs. For the accessory work we want 1-2 more reps and/or a little heavier than last week. This will keep the workout tough but manageable and allow us to increase the intensity in the weeks to come.

  1. Bench Press: 4x6 @ 21X0

  2. Deadlift: 3x5 @ 21X0

  3. Superset: Assisted Glute Ham Raise + Incline DB Press, 3x8-12 of each with 1:00 rest btw exercises and 2-3:00 rest btw sets.

  4. EZ Bar Skull Crushers: 3x10-15

Tuesday Aug 13

Run Day -Track Repeats:

10:00 easy Z2 warm up, then,

5x800, rest 2:00 between each

Rest 10:00

4x100m, walk back after each

Wednesday Aug 14

Upper Body Pump. Perform each movement with eccentric control.

  1. Lateral Raise: 4x10-15

  2. Pull Ups: 4x5-10, use an assisted/weighted version if necessary to maintain the rep scheme

  3. Seated Cable Row: 3x8-12

  4. Incline DB Curls: 3x8-12, drop set the final set for an additional 5-10 reps

  5. Cable Curls: 3x10-15, drop set the final set for an additional 5-10 reps

Thursday Aug 15

AM Run - 6km easy/recovery run, nice and slow

Friday Aug 16

72% - The goal today is to go slightly heavier than last week on the Squat, about 5-10lbs. For the accessory work we want 1-2 more reps and/or a little heavier than last week. This will keep the workout tough but manageable and allow us to increase the intensity in the weeks to come.

  1. Zercher Squat: 4x6

  2. Superset:

    45° Back Extension 3x8-12

    DB Walking Lunges 3x20-24

    Rest 1:00 btw exercises and 2-3:00 rest btw sets.

  3. Superset, 3x10-15 of each:

    Seated Calf Raise

    Standing Tib Raise

    Banded Hip Flexor March/side

    No rest between exercises and 1:00 btw sets

Saturday Aug 17


Sunday Aug 18

Run day - 45:00-1 hour @ a conversational pace + 5x15-20s strides*

*Controlled accelerations focusing on form and leg turnover with 30-90 second jog rest. Best performed on flat ground.

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