S2, Week 3: Aug 19-25, 2024

Hey team!

Week 3 of our 12 week Strength and Stamina is kicking off with a BANG! This week we’ll be taking our training up a notch by adding an additional gym session and merging 2 of our lifting and running sessions on the same day. AM Run, PM Lift. Like always, find a way to make it work for you, just make sure you’re adequately recovered between sessions in order to get the most out of them.

Happy training!

Monday Aug 19


1km easy warm up, then;

6x2:00 hard* + 2:00 easy

1km easy cool down

*tough/sustainable pace

Session 2 -PM Lift - Bench/Deadlift

76.5% - This week we're lowering the volume by 1 rep per set which means we're taking a bigger jumpin weight, 10-15lbs more than last week. The weight should start feeling heavy, especially as you move into the last couple sets. Control the weight down and drive up hard every time.

Adding some volume and intensity to the accessory work as well. Let’s go!

  1. Bench Press: 4x6 @ 21X0

  2. Deadlift: 4x5 @ 21X0

  3. Superset - Assisted Glute Ham Raise + Incline DB Press: 3x6-10 of each with 1:00 rest btw exercises and 2:00 rest btw sets.

  4. Superset - Incline EZ Bar Skull Crushers + Incline EZ bar JM Press + Incline DB Curl: 3x10-15 + as many JM Press as possible (don’t be surprised if you only get a few) + 8-12 Incline Curl.

Tuesday Aug 20

Run Day -Threshold Intervals

10:00 easy Z2 warm up, then,

2x10:00 threshold (high Z3, low Z4) + 3:00 easy jog
5:00-10:00 easy cooldown

Wednesday Aug 21

Upper Body Pump. Perform each movement with eccentric control

  1. Lateral Raise: 4x10-15 + 3x3-5 myo reps (see article HERE)

  2. Superset - Pull Ups + Straight Arm Pull Down: 3x5-10 + 3x10-15

  3. Seated Cable Row: 3x8-12

  4. Cable Curls: 3x10-15 - drop set each set for an additional 5-10 reps.

  5. EZ Bar Reverse Curl: 3x10-15

Thursday Aug 8

Active Recovery

Get outside/easy walk/stretch/breathwork/sauna/etc.

Friday Aug 9

Session 1 - AM Recovery Run

7km recovery run. Perform even slower than you would an easy run.

Session 2 - PM Lift - Zercher Squat + Lower Body Accessory

76.5% - This week we're lowering the volume by 1 rep per set which means we're taking a bigger jump in weight, 10-15lbs more than last week. Remember to brace hard on the zerchers as the heavy weight can easily pull you out of position if you don’t.

Same thing for the accessory, 1-2 more reps and/or a little heavier wherever you can.

  1. Zerchers Squat: 4x5

  2. Superset:

    Alternating Back Rack Reverse Lunges of a Riser: 3x6-8/side

    Dips: 3x8-12

    Rest 1:00 btw exercises and 2-3:00 rest btw sets.

  3. Superset

    Reverse Squat: 3x15-20

    Seated Calf Raise: 3x10-15

    Standing Tib Raise: 3x10-15

    No rest between exercises and 1:00 btw sets

Saturday Aug 10

Lift - PLyometrics/Sprints + Accessory


  1. EMOM 7:

    10 Alternating Front Foot Elevated Jumping Lunge

  2. EMOM 7:

    5 Depth Drop Push Ups

  3. E2MOM x 5:

    30m Sprint from prone position


  1. Staggered Stance RDL: 3x6-8/side

  2. Seated Barbell Strict Press + Single Arm DB Row: 3x6-8 + 3x8-12/side

  3. Decline Leg Lift + Landmine Oblique Rotation: 3x8-10 each

Sunday Aug 11

Long Run

50:00 @ a conversational pace + 5x40s hill sprints. Walk down after each.

Kevin MorrisonComment