People are always looking to hack their fitness.

“Take x,y,z supplements.”

“Don’t eat carbs.”

“Intermittent fasting is the key.”

Blah blah blah!

How about learn how to sleep for 8-10 hours a night, train your ass off and start your day off right!

Well, to me that looks like SALAD FOR BREAKFAST! That’s right team. Instead of smashing a big bowl of empty calorie cereal or a heavy meal of bacon and eggs, if you’re looking to control your calories try a goddamn salad for breakfast.

Something like this…


2 Big ol’ handfuls of spinach

1/4 cucumber, sliced

1/2 bell pepper, sliced

5-6 cherry tomatoes

2 Tbsp (30 ml) Primal Kitchen Salad Dressing (Italian or Green Goddess)

100g Steak/Chicken/ 150g Fish

35g protein, 15g carbs, 25g fat* = 425 cals

*For Steak or Salmon. This recipe with Chicken Breast would give you about 16g fat.


  1. Prepare meat the night before (make a little too much for dinner) then reheat in the morning while you;

  2. Combine all ingredients into a bowl and toss.

  3. Top with choice of meat and crush it!

This isn’t rocket science team. But it is an excellent way to control your overall calories ESPECIALLY if you like to front load your carbs right before you exercise. This way you don’t have to sacrifice workout fuel because you’re trying to balance out your meals too much.

Give it a try team.

See you in the next one,

-Coach Kev